The motto of FUTIA is “Innovation Drives Transformation”. The motto conveys a unique identity and personality of the university that defines her existence, processes and responsibility as an ivory tower and a citadel of learning.
The knowledge acquisition process to be adopted by the University is one in which the learner is not treated as a passive “information receiver”, but an “original source of knowledge” which must be discovered and engaged to its full potential.
The learner gradually plays an active role in the process of learning and knowledge construction through intuition. It is an approach where new knowledge is created through problem identification, analysis and innovative solution activities in the content and theoretical domains.
Thus, the learning process in the University will seek to change the form of knowledge constructed in the source context to a form that creates room for innovation usable in the target context.
This is the only way knowledge innovatively created will produce transformation, practical applications which in turn can lead to national development. Our soul responsibility is to create graduates with the inert capacity to innovate and transform the world through the application of the knowledge of science and technology.