Motto: Innovation Drives Transformation

Transportation Technology and Infrastructure Research Center (TTIRC)


FUTIA will establish TTIRC with the mission of providing long-term solutions to work zone safety-related problems. It will focus on developing highway work zone safety audit guidelines; discovering, developing, and transferring new technologies and measures for improving work zone safety, reducing its negative impacts on private industries and the national economy; and providing work zone safety training and education to the transportation community and public. This Center will be created to serve the need of the School of Management Technology

The philosophy behind FUTIA setting up a Transportation Technology and Infrastructure Research Center (TTIRC) is to:

Advance Transportation Knowledge

Pursue cutting-edge research and innovation to address complex transportation challenges and improve the transportation system.

Improve Human Experience

Enhance safety, mobility, accessibility, and quality of life for all users of the transportation system.

Foster Sustainability

Promote environmentally friendly, socially responsible, and economically viable transportation solutions.

Catalyze Collaboration

Bring together academia, industry, government, and stakeholders to share knowledge, resources, and expertise.

Drive Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Encourage the development and deployment of new transportation technologies, products, and services.

Support Economic Growth and Development

Contribute to national economic growth, competitiveness, and prosperity through transportation research and innovation.

Prioritize Social Equity and Inclusion

Ensure transportation solutions are equitable, accessible, and beneficial to all members of society, regardless of age, ability, or socioeconomic status.

Embrace Interdisciplinarity

Integrate expertise from various fields, including engineering, economics, environmental science, urban planning, and social sciences, to address transportation challenges.

By embracing this philosophy, TTIRC aims to make a positive impact on society, the environment, and the economy through transportation research and innovation.

TTIRC Philosophy

TTIRC Philosophy

  1. Advance Transportation Knowledge
  2. Improve Human Experience
  3. Foster Sustainability
  4. Catalyze Collaboration
  5. Drive Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  6. Support Economic Growth and Development
  7. Embrace Interdisciplinarity
  8. Prioritize Social Equity and Inclusion


 The goals of the Transportation Technology and Infrastructure Research Center (TTIRC):
  1. Improve Transportation Safety
  2. Enhance Mobility and Accessibility
  3. Sustainable Transportation
  4. Infrastructure Resilience and Durability
  5. Intelligent Transportation Systems
  6. Transportation Infrastructure Planning and Policy
  7. Multimodal Transportation
  8. Transportation Technology Innovation
  9. Workforce Development and Education
  10. Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing